Availability: In Stock
DAC-24T042AF (CPT320WB02C) CHUNGWA / POLAROID Backlight Inverter
Warranty:30-Day Warranty
Part Type:Backlight Inverter, Inverter Board
Part Number:DAC-24T042AF
Board Number(s):CPT320WB02C,2995303800
Panel Sticker Number:CLAA320WB02C
Panel Manufacturer:Chunghwa
Notes, Comments & Additional Information:TorresTVParts recommends ordering by part number whenever possible. Often times there are TV models that use more than one set of parts and/or panels.
TV Brands:Hannspree, Polaroid, Soyo, Viewsonic
TV Part Types:Backlight Inverter
TV Models:
Hannspree JT01-32E2-000G Soyo MT-SYTPT3227ABMS Viewsonic N3235W VS11770-1M VS11770-1M
Soyo MT-SYTPT3227ABMS Viewsonic N3235W VS11770-1M VS11770-1M |
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