SKU: te- 0160AC1B0101
Availability: In Stock
Sony TV Module, main board, 1P-012CJ00-4010, 0160AC1B0101, KDL-70R550A,KDL-60R520A
SKU: te- 0160AC1B0101
Warranty: 30 Day Warranty
Part Number: 0160AC1B0101
Board Number:189540231, 1-895-402-31, 1-895-402-31
Part Type: Main Board, Main Unit
Brand: Sony
Notes/Comments & Additional Information: TorresTVParts recommends ordering by part number whenever possible. Often times there are TV models that use more than one set of parts and/or panels.
TV Size:60”70”
Model:KDL-60R550A, KDL-60R520A